
Computer Graphics

InRosemount Technology Centre, Computer Graphic's program, students learn the essential graphic design skills and techniques that enable them to create complex designs for a variety of purposes, including print, digital media and web. With the use of the Adobe Suite software, mainly Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Dreamweaver, students learn to manipulate visual content such as images, typography, and illustrations in order to produce and create everything from logos and business cards to advertisements and promotional material, websites and social media graphics.

RTC's Computer Graphics program will provide individuals with hands-on, practical experiences required to becoming a successful graphic designer, leading to a great career in the industry.

Here are some of the things you will learn:

  • You'll learn about the fundamental principles of design, such as composition, color theory, typography, and layout.
  • You'll learn how to use various graphic design software tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Dreamweaver to create visually appealing designs.
  • Web design: Using Dreamweaver, you will learn how to design and build websites using HTML, CSS. Wordpress and Bootstrap frameworks will also be covered.
  • Learn how to design for print, including creating business cards, brochures, and flyers along with digital media standards.
  • Branding design: learn how to create visual identities for brands, including logos, color schemes, and brand guidelines.
  • Learn how to present and communicate your designs effectively to clients.

Program Overview

The Computer Graphics program leading to a DVS is a 1800 hour course.

Day program (6 hrs/day):
approximately 18 months.

Evening program (5 hrs/evening):
approximately 22 months.

List of competencies

Program Competencies Hours Credits
1 Occupation and Training
Learning about the reality of the occupation; having an understanding of the program of study and confirming career choice.
15 1
2 Managing a Computer Environment
Installing computer peripherals as well as installing, updating, and troubleshooting minor software problems; creating local folders, saving, exchanging, and classifying files; making sure the workstation is set up ergonomically.
60 4
3 Vector Images
Identifying the characteristics of Adobe Illustrator, as well defining the document’s properties; drawing typographic elements, shapes, patterns and converting vector objects; assessing the quality of the illustrations.
105 7
4 Raster Images
Customizing images using Adobe Photoshop, as well as defining the document’s properties; organizing layers, channels, paths, and retouching the images; assessing the quality of the manipulated photos.
90 6
5 Requirements and Steps of the Graphic Communication Production Process
Learning about the reality of the occupation; having an understanding of the program of study and confirming career choice.
90 6
6 Image Acquisition
Searching within image banks and scanning for visual elements; taking and archiving digital photographs.
90 6
7 Colour Profile Management
Characterizing the colours of projection devices; creating and synchronizing colour profiles within the graphic chain.
60 4
8 Composite Images for Standard Printing
Producing a photomontage by searching or creating the images; standardizing the photomontage to the requirements of multiple forms of printing.
90 6
9 Composite Images for Visual Interfaces
Producing a photomontage by searching or creating the images; standardizing the photomontage to the requirements of electronic distribution.
90 6
10 Tools for Proofreading English Texts
Doing initial read-throughs; identifying typographical and spelling errors, grammatical mistakes and simple punctuation errors; consulting reference materials and interpreting suggested corrections.
60 4
11 Typographic Elements
Acquiring, proofreading and applying typographical rules to the text; developing and finalizing typographic style sheets.
90 6
12 Simple Page Layouts for Print Documents
Producing two-sided page layout documents by preparing and incorporating the text as well as visual elements.
105 7
13 Simple Page Layouts for Visual Interfaces
Producing multiple pages for visual interfaces by preparing and incorporating the text as well as visual elements; testing of the functionality of the elements in the visual interface (HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver).
105 7
14 Simple Page Layout Templates for Visual Interfaces
Assembling a page layout template for visual interfaces by preparing the technical specifications and incorporating the text as well as visual elements; building and testing of the page architecture and the functionality of the elements in the visual interface.
90 6
15 Page Layout Templates for Print Documents
Producing multiple page layout documents by preparing the technical specifications and optimizing the typographic composition as well as visual elements; assembling the page layout template.
90 6
16 Imposition and Finishing
Planning the imposition and finishing; producing an imposition and finishing template; assembling and verifying a prototype.
60 4
17 Complex Page Layouts for Print Documents
Learning about the reality of the occupation; having an understanding of the program of study and confirming career choice.
105 7
18 Document Rasterization
Organizing the production’s work flow and rasterizing the document with client approval.
60 4
19 Preparing Documents for Digital Printing
Assembling a document using variable data and generate a portable digital file as per specifications; producing a proof for verification.
60 4
20 Preparing Documents for Standard Offset Printing
Evaluating the press proof based on the projects specifications; identifying trapping and use of color guides; assembling a document for offset printing, producing a RIP proof for verification.
75 5
21 Managing a Graphic Communications Microbusiness
Planning a personal career path and seeking out business opportunities; preparing and presenting a sales pitch; preparing a contract for the client and providing a follow-up to the service.
90 6
22 Workplace Integration
Learning about the terms and conditions of the internship; preparing to undergo a work experience in a computer graphics company; keeping a log of observations of the work environment and tasks performed during the practicum; discussing the influence of this experience on choice of future jobs (aptitudes and interests).
120 8
1800 120

Employment Prospects

Graphic Artist

Advertising designer

Photo Retoucher

Product Manager

Art Director


Layout Designer

Web Designer


Interested candidates, after having met with a particular Program Coordinator, may want to become a student-for-a-day. This opportunity enables prospective candidates to meet with the current students and teachers to observe classroom and lab activities in order to ensure an informed commitment to the educational program.



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CG Projects